ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing

This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or academic professional, these prompts can help you hone your writing abilities and tackle your writing projects with confidence.

Use directly in:

The list is regularly updated, so you can keep track of new prompts by following this repository.


Find a research topic for a PhD in the area of [TOPIC]
Write a detailed proposal on the following research topic. Make Sure it is free from plagiarism. [PARAGRAPH]
Identify gaps in the literature on [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Generate 10 academic research questions about [PARAGRAPHS]
Generate a list of research hypotheses related to [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Identify potential areas for future research in the context of this [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Suggest novel applications of [TOPIC SENTENCE] within [RESEARCH DOMAIN]


Title/Topic Sentence

Suggest 5 titles for the following abstract: [ABSTRACT PARAGRAPH]
Write a topic sentences for this paragraph: [PARAGRAPH] 


Provide 5 keywords for this: [PARAGRAPHS]


Generate an abstract for a scientific paper based on this information for: [PARAGRAPHS]


Generate an outline for [TOPIC SENTENCE]
I want to write a journal article about [TOPIC SENTENCE]. give me an outline for the article that I can use as a starting point.


Come up with an introduction for the following research topic: [TOPIC SENTENCE]

Literature Review

Conduct a literature review on [TOPIC SENTENCE] and provide review paper references
Provide me with references and links to papers in [PARAPGRAPH]

NOTE: Be careful and double check article existence, ChatGPT may generate fake references

Summarize the scholarly literature including in text citations on [PARAGRAPHS]
Write this in standart Harvard referencing [PARAGRAPH]
Compare and contrast [THEORY1] and [THEORY2] in the context of [RESEARCH DOMAIN]:


Create objectives and methodology for [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Write a detailed methodology for the topic: [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology: [PARAGRAPHS]
Write objectives for this study: [TOPIC SENTENCE]
What are the limitations of using [TOPIC SENTENCE] in [RESEARCH DOMAIN]?
Create a recipie for the methods used in this [PARAGRAPHS]
Suggest interdisciplinary approaches to [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Explain how qualitative/quantitative research methods can be used to address [RESEARCH QUESTIONS]
Recommend best practices for data collection and analysis in [TOPIC SENTENCE]


Design an experiment that [ACTION]


Write a result section for the following paragraphs. Please write this in third person. [PARAGRAPHS]


Discuss this results: [RESULT PARAGRAPHS]


Generate a conclusion for this: [PARAGRAPHS]
Give recommendations and conclusion for: [PARAGRAPHS]

Future Works

Can you suggest 3 directions for future research on this topic: [PARAGRAPH]]?


Rewrite his paragraph in an academic langauge: [PARAGRAPH]
Paraphrase the text using more academic and scientific language. Use a neutral tone and avoid repetitions of words and phrases. [PARAGRAPH]
Correct the grammar: [PARAGRAPH]
What do you think of how this parapraph is written?:  [PARAGRAPH]
What 3 points would you suggest to improve this paragraph?: [PARAGRAPH]
Improve the style of my writing? [PARAGRAPHS]
Improve the clarity and coherence of my writing [PARAGRAPHS]
Improve the organization and structure of my paper [PARAGRAPHS]
Provide feedback on this text and suggest areas for improvement [PARAGRAPHS]
Can you improve this paragraph using passive voice: [PARAGRAPH]
Can you improve this paragraph to make it more cohesive: [PARAGRAPH]
Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Using NLP, create a prompt to write a new article in the same style, voice, and tone: [PARAGRAPHS]
Please write a few paragraphs using the following list of points [LIST] 
Give three variations of this sentence: [SENTENCE] 
Write a transition sentence to connect the following two paragraphs: [PARAGRAPH1] [PARAPGRAPH2]
Provide effective transitions between paragraphs [PARAGRAPH1] [PARAGRAPH2]
Rewrite this paragraph as a introduction: [PARAGRAPH]
Rewrite this paragraph as a conclusion: [PARAGRAPH]
Write a counterargument to the following claim: [PARAGRAPH]
Rewrite this in an academic voice: [PARAGRAPH]
Expand these notes: [PARAGRAPH]
Provide me a list of words and phrases which were repeatedly / more than 3 times used: [PARAGRAPHS]
Provide me a list of synonyms for [PARAGRAPH] and evaluate them in the context of [PARAGRAPH]
Act as a language expert, proofread my paper on [TOPIC SENTENCE] while putting a focus on grammar and punctuation.
In the context of [RESEARCH DOMAIN] translate [PARAPGRAPH] into the [LANGUAGE] language.


Summarize the following content: [PARAPGRAPHS]
Summarize the text in simpler and easier-to-understand terms. [PARAGRAPHS]
Come up with a summary that is exactly [NUMBER OF WORDS] words: [PARAPGRAPHS]
Reduce the following to [NUMBER OF WORDS] words: [PARAPGRAPHS]
Give me a bullet point summary for [PARAPGRAPHS]
Extract the important key points of this: [PARAPGRAPHS]
Summarize the text by extracting the most important information in the form of bullet points [PARAGRAPHS]
Explain this again but simpler: [PARAGRAPHS]
Explain this research to a 12 year old: [PARAGRAPHS]
Identify the key findings and implications of this: [PARAGRAPHS]


Develop a research plan for: [TOPIC SENTENCE]
Write a schedule for completion in [TOPIC SENTENCE] in [NUMBER OF DAYS/MONTHS/YEARS]
The deadline for the submission of first draft is [DATE]. give me a week-by-week breakdown so I can plan my writing better.
Write a sensational press release for this research: [PARAGRAPHS]
Make this more persuasive: [PARAGRAPH]
Write 3 tweets about this research? [PARAGRAPHS]

Developing a Twitter & YouTube Synchronization Bot in Python

I met Daniel Labelle through his video “If people sprinted instead of walked“. Suddenly I shared with my running mates and started to follow Daniel’s Youtube channel. The explanation of the situation was extraordinary which was called “physical comedy” I learned later. The channel is one of the fastest-growing Youtube channels. Once videos were released, they got millions of views quickly. Although he has Tiktok (27.6M followers), Youtube (16.1M), and Instagram (2.8M) accounts, he did not create any personal Twitter page. Since I spent most of my social media time on Twitter, it would be great if I can watch the videos on the Twitter feed whenever he published them.

After a quick google search, I also realized nobody had created an account for this (maybe nobody has this much spare time :p). Anyways, this content really deserves to be on Twitter. I have created a fan page and started to copy videos to the Twitter account. But manually downloading/uploading the videos and continuously checking new videos’ releases were really time-consuming. I thought, why should a bot not do it instead of me?

The idea of creating a bot as simple as this,

  • Check continuously is there a new video?
  • if yes: download it from youtube and upload it to Twitter
  • if no: do nothing

Selecting Libraries

Rather than using the Twitter and Youtube APIs directly, I preferred to use a wrapper library to make it simple. Because my plan was to complete such work in almost one hour. I preferred to use Tweepy, Scrapetube, and Pytube (all of them are in Python programming language that’s why I have implemented the bot in Python)

Getting an Access Key

The most difficult part was getting access keys from Twitter. Twitter requires explanations of your purpose for asking API keys. At first, I did not tell them in detail, and it was refused. Then I gave more information about the data collection and processing steps. Then, the request was accepted. To pass this step once, you must be explanatory.

The Code

The implemented algorithm has a few rows. Most of the low-level processes dealt with the APIs. Comments on the code explain what it does.

import tweepy
import scrapetube
from pytube import YouTube 
import json
import os

# read credentials
f = open(os.getcwd() + '/credentials.json')
creds = json.load(f)

# connect to twitter api
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(creds['twitter']['consumer_key'], creds['twitter']['consumer_secret'])
auth.set_access_token(creds['twitter']['access_token'], creds['twitter']['access_secret'])
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# get last video tweet
latest_tweet = api.user_timeline(count=1)[0].text

# get rid of the ''
latest_twitter_video_title = latest_tweet.split('')[0]

# get latest channel video information
youtube_videos = scrapetube.get_channel(channel_url=creds['youtube']['channel_url'], limit=1)
latest_youtube_video_title = ''
latest_youtube_video_id = ''

for video in youtube_videos:
    latest_youtube_video_title = video['title']['runs'][0]['text']
    latest_youtube_video_id = video['videoId']

# detect is there a new video
if (latest_twitter_video_title != latest_youtube_video_title):
    youtube_link = "" + latest_youtube_video_id
    video_filename = latest_youtube_video_id + '.mp4'
    video_path = os.getcwd() + '/' + video_filename
    output_path = os.getcwd()

        # download te video
        yt = YouTube(youtube_link).streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4').order_by('resolution').desc().first().download(output_path=output_path, filename=video_filename)

        # upload the video to twitter
        media =  api.media_upload(video_path, media_category='tweet_video')
        # send tweet
        api.update_status(status=latest_youtube_video_title, media_ids=[media.media_id])

        # delete the video

        print('New video uploaded')     
        # delete the video

        print("Error occured")
    print('No new video')


After testing the code locally, I pulled my repo to the AWS machine and created a cronjob that runs the script every hour.

0 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/scripts/daniellabelle-bot/

Final Comments

Actually, scrapping the data from YouTube to Twitter is not a challenging task. But it is exciting to make manual operations automated. Now Daniel’s fan page is running itself. It has almost 1,000 followers. And now I can watch videos on Twitter shared by a bot that is created by me 🙂

Recently, Daniel sent me a Direct Message in which he asked to remove one of his videos. Because -most probably-, he changed his mind and removed his last video from social media accounts. But the bot copied the data to Twitter faster than Danielle’s removal operation 🙂

The implementation procedure was fun for me. I have abstracted the code that can be used for any Youtube & Twitter channels. You can find the links below.


Twitter page:


What It Feels Like Running a Marathon

Recently, I ran my first 42k distance in İstanbul Marathon, and it was the longest race I have completed in my lifetime. Previously, I have attempted to run three half marathons and 15k, 10k races, and finished in an enjoyed mood. But when the issue is running a marathon, things change.

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We are all have things to do every day. Each of us follows different strategies to plan our day. Otherwise we may fail in our exams or lose our job because of the lack of time management. The very first method of planning the day is creating to-do-lists in which we convert our duties to the action items. It is easy, all we need is a pen and a piece of paper. We can quickly queue the things to do. In general, number of items need to be done is greater of our one day activity count. Somehow we have to categorize them. There is well-known method called as Eisenhower matrix to prioritize your tasks. It is a very logical method focuses the importance or urgency of the items. I assure you it simplifies your life to identify the most vital part of you activity database. So far, the picture of having to-do-list seem like quite efficient right? But we are missing out something…

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Why You Should Start Running Today

The people who are working in a desk job or in an university such as grad students, research assistants or professors spend their whole day in front of the computers. Me as part of this group, we, are sitting all day except small lunch or tea/coffee breaks. All day long, we are focusing on something in depth and consume our all mental energy. At the end of the day, we become mentally exhausted. In this article, i will not discuss the cliches about sport, since we all know how beneficial it is for our health. But i will try to widen a different point of view in your mind.

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Future of Aerial Imaging

When I was introduced to a research project that utilizes Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in 2014, i have imagined first: “military missile equipped aerial vehicles”. And i was kind of nervous to join such a research area as being a civil engineering graduate. Because i was not familiar with UAVs and they were not so popular in those years. Although it was a new era for me, i decided to join the research team as a GIS researcher. After a bit painful and trial-and-error beginning step, we learned the fundamentals of aerial vehicles and we discovered how to use them for the purpose of our project. Eventually, we accomplished the project –Cankuş (Life saving birds)- needs and dived into the area of the aerial imaging 4 years ago.

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The Beginning

Greetings to everyone! I am sharing my sincere excitement with you, may be these lines are the baby step of a big journey. I have been publishing articles for 6 years on my Turkish blog. Thankfully, my articles reached more than 30,000 people. I believe writing is kind of thinking. If I want to sum up my ideas or make research on something, i enforce myself to write an article about it. In the past, it really helped me to come over with bad habits and gain the new ones. During the Kesfet Kendini Blog journey, i realized that i love writing and sharing ideas with you. Now, i want to share my experiences with people all around the world. That’s why i created this blog.

I’m a PhD student and technology entrepreneur. In this blog, i am planning to draw up articles about academy, technology and personal development topics. I am not a native English speaker so you may find mistakes in my articles. That’s okay, if you find, i will be glad to hear mistakes from you. But to be honest, i will not be too careful with my grammar because i want to be relax and share ideas with you, my purpose is not to create highly academic environment in here. I am already spending enough effort for it in my PhD 🙂 Therefore, this blog will be free space that i share something and you can comment on it without strict borders. That’s all for i can say now. If you would like to join me during this journey, you are always welcome. You can follow my blog by adding your email address below.