The people who are working in a desk job or in an university such as grad students, research assistants or professors spend their whole day in front of the computers. Me as part of this group, we, are sitting all day except small lunch or tea/coffee breaks. All day long, we are focusing on something in depth and consume our all mental energy. At the end of the day, we become mentally exhausted. In this article, i will not discuss the cliches about sport, since we all know how beneficial it is for our health. But i will try to widen a different point of view in your mind.
December 2018
Future of Aerial Imaging
When I was introduced to a research project that utilizes Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in 2014, i have imagined first: “military missile equipped aerial vehicles”. And i was kind of nervous to join such a research area as being a civil engineering graduate. Because i was not familiar with UAVs and they were not so popular in those years. Although it was a new era for me, i decided to join the research team as a GIS researcher. After a bit painful and trial-and-error beginning step, we learned the fundamentals of aerial vehicles and we discovered how to use them for the purpose of our project. Eventually, we accomplished the project –Cankuş (Life saving birds)- needs and dived into the area of the aerial imaging 4 years ago.